The tear down.
This is a very simple and self explanatory step. The pictures tell a thousand words. I dropped the engine and transmission out the bottom of the car and it was very easy to do. All in all it took me about two hours to get the engine and trans on the floor. The tricky parts where getting the fuel lines unhooked and finding all the wires that are hooked to the various sensors on the engine. The Fuel lines need a special tool to remove. As stated earlier the interior was completely trashed and was either thrown in the garbage or put in the scrap metal pile. I called a local transmission shop to see if they wanted the automatic trans for a core. they told me it was not worth anything so I scrapped it and the engine which had a rod thrown out the pan. I am saving some pieces to modify and or use later. I am not sure if I can reuse the radiator but I am keeping the fan assembly to use a t a later date. I am very careful not to throw out anything unless I am absolutely sure I am not going to need it. The whole process took about two weeks to get it completely torn down to the tub and ready for the roll cage.
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